The Animal Rehabilitation Centre

Sensitive to yours pet's wellbeing

Animal Behaviour Training

ARC offer bespoke animal behaviour training consultationsEach patient is assessed as an individual and the owner’s ability and environment are all considered, teaching good use of body language, a change in attitude and handling to help make you, your animal and your family’s life more enjoyable.

Consultation Format

ARC’s animal behaviour training are interactive and progressive. Whilst a professional and detailed approach will be delivered we make every effort to ensure our clients are comfortable with the techniques and understand why we recommend them.A minimum period of 1 hour is required for an initial one-to-one consultation. This will ensure a full history is taken, cause established and treatment plan put in place. Occasionally, some consultations may take a little longer. Consultations can be conducted at the Animal Rehabilitation Centre, your home or arranged elsewhere depending what is in the most likely best interests of the animal being treated. If necessary, a short introductory session can be arranged.Shorter consultations can also be arranged depending on the condition, giving the owner an opportunity to meet with our consultants and discuss their concerns before committing to a full assessment and treatment plan.Socialisation walks and one-to-one observation sessions outside can also be arranged as necessary.


Methods requiring respect and control will be applied with the use of body language techniques and likely or probably a change in attitude and handling. Boundary control and a positive reward system, coupled with a re-enforced level of obedience will ensure a high level of success for both client and pet. Advice and practical explanations will be given on any training aid recommended.

After Care

We remain in direct email and phone contact after the consultation and if required are happy to make a repeat visit at a reduced fee.